In today's entry I'm bringing you a few bodybuilder
muscle man clip art images. I am deeply into weight training and have been since I was 14 years old. My goal has never been to be a huge bodybuilder like the guys in the clipart, but just to be fit and have a muscular, masculine build rather than being chubby and flabby. I used to work out at the gym 4 or 5 times a week, but these days my goals are more to cut and keep my body fat % low, so I work out at the gym just once a week, and go jogging another 3 or 4 times a week. Weight training is a fantastic form of sports and exercise to take up, even if you don't intend to turn yourself into a big bodybuilder.
Here are a few bodybuilder muscle man clip art I managed to track down.

I hope these muscle man clip art images were helpful. If you find any more free ones that you can recommend for inclusion, let me know and I'll put them up if applicable. See you again soon!